Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Five Essentials for a Guest-Friendly Church

After visiting many churches as a Director of Missions in the Southern Baptist Convention, I can sympathize with church guests. It would be extremely difficult for an unchurched person to walk into a strange building and encounter people they have never met to hear about a God with whom they may not have a relationship! 

I have visited many friendly churches. Every church has room for improvement! Here are 5 essentials for a church to be more guest-friendly.

1. Signage. Bathrooms, classrooms, and other areas are marked. Most church buildings were connected together without a master plan. Signage can help people navigate around the facility.

2. One well-marked (from the main parking lot or main road) welcome center/security post that is always manned. Consider posting a "guide" who will take people where they need to go.

3. Trained greeters. These men, women or families will greet everyone--not just guests. Trained greeters/ushers know where people of all ages are supposed to be at all times. 

4. A bulletin that has been proofread by a person who is not in your church for clarity. Make sure next steps for guests are mentioned.

5. How to give, join, sign up, or participate in the church or any activity should be explained clearly in print and from the platform, when possible.

Can't do all this right now? Start where you can! The Lord will bless your effort. May God use our love and courtesy to guests for his glory!