Accountability Partner/Group Meeting Questionnaire
Meet with a group of 3 to 7 people each week for 12-16 weeks and give honest answers to the questions listed below. Begin a reading plan through the Bible as a group.
are you doing in the following areas?
of 1 to 10) 1=need help 10=stable
Your consistency in satisfying personal Scripture reading?
Your consistency in satisfying times of prayer?
Your battle against ungodly thoughts? (unbelief, bitterness,
resentment, anger, lust, pride, jealousy, covetousness, racism, etc.)
Setting your mind on things above, thinking on the Gospel?
How is your family in joy and harmony?
How is your eating and exercise?
Did you work on memorizing Scripture this week? YES or NO
Have been in a compromising position with a man or women?
Have you viewed anything inappropriate? YES or NO
Have your financial dealings been filled with integrity? How
is your giving through the local church? YES or NO
Have you worshiped/studied with your family at home during
the week? YES or NO
Have you honored God by managing your time at home, work,
school well? YES or NO
Have you told any half-truths or outright lies, putting
yourself in a better light to those around you?
Have you shared the Gospel with an unbeliever this week? Have
you worked at building a relationship with an unbeliever for the Gospel?
Beyond what we have discussed, have you knowingly violated
any command of Scripture?
How can we pray for or rejoice with you? How can we help you
grow as a believer?
Adapted from Pine Forest Baptist Church, SCBA